The best secret tricks for beauty used by celebrities


While all of you would be spell struck looking at your favorite celebrities, you can cherish the beauty for yourself by making use of the below mentioned treatments for skin care, leaving you with a glowing and attractive skin.
Although celebrities are not the epitome of beauties, we prefer taking the examples of celebrities as they look good, naturally!
Agreed, most of their photos are released only after extensive touch-ups using Photoshop or are known to have undergone cosmetic procedures. However, little does everyone know that they have natural home remedies that they have been keeping in secrecy since years. However, any one can make use of these tricks that come cheap, easy and have tremendous effects on your skin, making your skin look appealing.
Are you keen to go ahead and try it out yourself? Read on to know more tips coming directly from celebrities that are easy to work on and would make your skin look livelier.
What is the use of Go natural?
Celebrities are conscious about their skin a lot and they always try out ways to look young and healthy forever. It is not an easy thing to do and celebrities try various methods at an increasing pace with their rise in popularity. At the same time, they are trying out various steps to go environment friendly. Due to this, they have been trying alternatives that would make them look healthier by using natural and eco-friendly methods. Hence, it is highly recommended that you try out these steps to have skins like celebs and still be natural. You can give your skin a makeover using natural methods and at the same time, you would also be contributing for a greener future of our planet.
These steps are used by several celebrities and it has fetched them unbelievable results!

Secrets followed by almost all the celebrities
As per many of the popular Hollywood stars, certain tips were followed by all of them. We bring to you a list of steps that would surely fetch you great results:
  1. Sleep properly every day.
  2. Follow a healthy diet plan.
  3. Stay fit, work out or exercise daily.
  4. Laugh daily, it helps.
  5. Keep your skin moisturized at all times.
  6. Use mild cleansers on your skin and avoid the usage of chemicals.
  7. Drink the maximum water you can each day.
  8. Stay relaxed and de-stress yourself.
  9. Avoid make up and instead, try to enhance your natural beauty.
  10. Ensure that you wash your hair on alternate days rather than daily.
  11. Take off all the makeup you have worn before sleeping each night.
  12. Try using facemasks, hair masks etc. to keep your skin and hair away from pollution the natural way.
Celebrities Go Natural
Are you under the notion that celebrities do not have any beauty secrets? Do you think they resort to expensive cosmetic procedures and other beauty products for that look? You are absolutely wrong, as they stick to natural options instead. Consider the example of Denise Richards, who makes use of an avocado mask to take care of her hair. Emma Stone sticks to her practices of getting sufficient sleep and moisturizing the skin. Emmy Rossum makes use of cold pressed olive oil after a shower to make sure that her skin shines. Cindy Crawford spritzes her skin with a mixture of milk and water to make sure that her skin looks young and healthy.
Home remedies used by celebrities for skin care
Celebrities have their own secrets when it comes to their beauty. They face the issue related to cellulites and to defend from it, Halle Berry said that she mixes coffee grounds in her body wash, which acts as a natural scrub. Fergie drinks apple cider vinegar frequently in a bid to reduce her weight. Teri Hatcher uses wine in the bathtub to have a glowing skin and Catherine Zeta Jones uses pieces of apple and strawberry while brushing her teeth to ensure that they look white.
Ten best kept secrets of celebrities to have beautiful skin revealed!
Here are the top ten routines followed by Hollywood celebrities that would have a significant effect on all types of skin.
  1. Lauren Conrad suggests to place chilled potato slices dipped in water for 1-2 minutes on the eyelids for about 15 minutes. This would get rid of the dark circles present.
  2. Zoey Dsechanel uses Velcro and foam rollers below her hair rather than making use of hot rollers or curling irons for curling, as it might damage the hair in the long run.
  3. Jennifer Lawrence makes use of her used toothbrush for manicure. The nails get clean with this and it can also be enhanced by adding a bit of toothpaste.
  4. Eva Mendes applies conditioner to her hair before sleeping and covers it up with a shower cap before rinsing it off the next morning. Conditioning your hair overnight would have great effects.
  5. Kim Kardashian makes sure that her lips stay pink and moisturized by using a lip balm that has an SPF rating above 15.
  6. Kate Hudson dunks her head inside an ice bath as it results in a glow in the face. She dunks her head for the maximum extent possible.
  7. Salma Hayek has been cleansing her skin using natural juices and she claims that you would be able to notice the results within 3 days of usage.
  8. Emma Stone uses natural moisturizes her keep her skin moisturized and she is comfortable using as she is allergic. She generally uses olive and grape seed oil.
  9. Scarlett Johnson rubs a raw lemon on her face to make sure that her face looks bright.
  10. Gwyenth Paitrow uses coconut oil to naturally moisturize her skin.
A few more popular celebrity ideas that you can use
If you are ready to shell out money for beauty products, you can apply some of the natural products that are used by celebs. Jennifer Lopez uses Vaseline to keep her skin moist, improve chapped lips or to remove the makeup. Jennifer Garner uses Neutrogena to keep her skin pale. Kate Moss uses a cheap eyelash curler to make her eyes look beautiful. Recently, Sandra Bullock said that the highly affordable Preparation H would also help in keeping the skin free from wrinkles and lines.
Some of the beauty tips used by Foreign Celebrities
Celebrities from India and Korea use olive oil to maintain their slight tan. Listed below are few of the best tips offered by foreign celebrities:
  1. Avoid makeup unless necessary during day time.
  2. Prefer natural products over chemicals.
  3. Work out or do Yoga daily.
  4. Keep your skin clean, toned and moisturized each day.
  5. Follow a diet and drink lots of water as soon as you get up.
  6. Prepare a mask for your face using honey and egg whites for a perfect glow. 

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