Best Natural Remedies for Age Spots Pigmentation

Age spots are common skin condition, which are harmless but are not pleasing to look at.

So a lot of people want to get rid of this skin problem to look beautiful and young. There are actually a lot of natural remedies for age spots pigmentation. Read through to find out!

What are Liver Spots?
•Liver spots, also called age spots, are collections of pigment caused by too much exposure to the sun. They are characterized as a flat, gray, brown or black spots that appear in areas of the body exposed to the sun.
•Liver spots also come through age. They are common for a person after 55 years old. Liver spots mostly appear on the forehead or on the back of the hands. They can also occur in other areas especially the face and occasionally in other less exposed areas of the body. Though they are not a major health problem, some people may seek treatment for age spots because they are not pleasing aesthetically. They appear like a cancerous growth, and they create pigmentation.
•Liver spots are harmless. They can grow from a spot a size as a freckle to centimeter wide. The spots can grow by group, which makes them more prominent and noticeable. Oftentimes these spots come with other symptoms of sun damage. The usual symptoms of liver spots are the flat patches or macules, which are not painless at all.

Age spots are usually caused by sporadic increase of the melanin levels. Melanin is a dark pigment in the skin. It gives the skin its natural color. This pigment is produced by special cells that can be prone to damage through time. When, exposed to too much light, for instance, melanin increases to protect deeper layer of the skin. Liver spots develop when the melanin is produced in higher concentration. The increase of melanin causes skin discoloration and increases the pigmentation.

For older people, liver spots are the result of the ceroid build up. Ceroid is a waxy pigment appearing in the cirrhotic liver of people who are a lot older. Ceroid build up resulting in age spots are caused by free radical destruction within the body.

Instead of attacking the liver per se, the oxidation of fats happens in the cell. Free radicals produce waste materials in the cells in parts of the body including the liver and the brain. This results to changes in shape, color and size of your skin.

How to Remove Pigmentation Quickly
One of the best things to do on how to remove pigmentation from face is undergoing cosmetic treatment. Since age spots are dark, you can easily lighten and eventually remove the pigmentation using skin-bleaching products. These products trigger the cause of liver spots, which is basically the exposure to the ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Other processes on how to remove pigmentation quickly include freezing, skin sanding, electric needle, and freezing. These scientific methods destroy the skin superficially to attain balance in color. Laser operation is also among the best ways on how to get rid of pigmentation on face quickly and naturally.

The process is more harmless and less damaging to the skin. Light is used to remove the pigment without further damaging the normal condition of the surrounding skin. Laser treatment also requires lesser healing time and recovery compared to other treatments, which can be painful as well.

It is also advised to avoid the sun as much as possible to prevent freckles and liver spots from occurring. It is recommended to use a good sunscreen product for protection.

Natural Remedies for Liver Spots Pigmentation
Aside from the operation and using technology to remove age spots, there are different home remedies you can do to prevent and cure liver spots. Here are some of the best Natural remedies for liver spots pigmentation:

Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider is a known home remedy for a lot of diseases and conditions including skin pigmentation. All you have to do is to take two teaspoon of the vinegar and combine it with a teaspoon of fresh orange juice. Using cotton pads or a soft cloth, apply the solution to the area where the pigmentation is very apparent.

Castor oil: Apply castor oil on the pigmentation one in the morning and another in the evening. Make sure to rub well the oil on the skin. With constant application, liver spots should disappear within a month or so.

Dandelion: One of the natural remedies for age spots pigmentation is dandelion stem. Break the stem open or split it into half. Then rub the sap on the pigmentation. Do this for about two to three times a day. The treatment is best for other skin conditions including warts as well.

Horse radish: Create a horse radish solution to cure liver spots by mixing a teaspoon grated horseradish root, half teaspoon of vinegar, three drops rosemary oil and half teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Using a soft cloth or cotton pads, dab the solution in the area affected once or twice a day depending on the sensitivity of the skin. The solution has some exfoliating capability that targets the top layer of your skin. Expect that the spots will lighten weeks or months after constant application.

Aloe vera: You can make natural remedies for liver spots pigmentation using fresh aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is a natural healing agent. The plant has the capacity to lessen the color and make the pigmentation fade away with constant application. Rub the gel twice a day on the skin for about one to two months.

Lemon: Fresh lemon juice is also among the best natural treatment for skin pigmentation. Apply the juice on the liver spots twice a day. The acid levels of the juice will help in making the spots fade in a few months or so. Make sure that the solution had already dried before you go out on a sunny day. Lemon juice increases sensitivity to sunlight.

Bilberry: Bilberry herb is effective in slowing some of the aging processes. The herb acts an antioxidant as well. When taken daily, it increases your body’s capacity to fight free radicals that can cause liver spots.

Buttermilk: Apply buttermilk on the pigmentation. Buttermilk has lactic acid that is very beneficial in maintaining the health of the skin. It has been used as one of the natural treatment for pigmentation spots and other skin conditions for generations already. Buttermilk is a natural skin cleanser that is used for cosmetics and beauty purposes.

Chick peas: You can buy canned or fresh chick peas to create a solution that can be a natural treatment for pigmentation marks. Mash about a third of a cup of chick peas and add some water to make paste. Put the paste on the pigmentation and leave it to dry.

Natural Skin Products
Today, natural remedies for skin pigmentation treatment can already be purchased in bottles or in capsule. Like home remedies pigmentation, natural skin products are made of natural herbs to avoid harmful effects of scientifically produced substances.

There are a lot of natural skin care products nowadays that promises flawless, youthful and glowing skin. You can always find something in the market to help you get rid of age spots or liver spots. A word of advice though is keen in choosing the best natural skin products so you won’t be disappointed with the results.

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